Determination of mechanical properties of materials of high pressure metal-xenon tank

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Presented are the results of determining the strength characteristics of mechanical properties of the metal-xenon high-pressure tank materials by means of experimental studies on the static tensile specimens cut from the titanium liner and experimental studies on a cross-four-point bending specimens of composite material cut from the power of the composite shell of the tank. Based on the concluded experimental studies, design study to assess the additional characteristics of mechanical properties of materials has been made. To study the thin-walled welded titanium alloy composite material and the container shell power plane and tensile samples were cut parallel and transverse rolled metal tank. During tensile tests automatic recording of strain diagram with the coordinates of load-displacement was conducted. For the experimental studies of composite strength composite shell tank samples were cut from the two zones of the tank near the top of the flange and the region near the equator of the middle part of the tank. Samples from the top of the angle were characterized by winding tapes -30°...+30°, samples from the equator - -12°…+12°. During the tests on the transverse four-point bending load speed measurement sample with the corresponding value of displacement was applied. According to the results of tests of samples prepared from a titanium alloy obtained were the yield strength, tensile strength, and percentage reduction of the material after rupture. Based on these data, the calculated values were obtained by breaking strain hardening coefficient and a titanium metal alloy. According to the results of tests of samples cut from the composite shell of the tank load-displacement diagrams for two types of samples were obtained. According to these data, the values were calculated by the modulus of elasticity for samples of composite material of two types. The obtained values of mechanical properties of the titanium alloy and composite based on the results of experimental studies were compared with the data of the relevant regulations. Based on this, refined are the grades of titanium alloy and a composite material, used in the manufacture of the metal-made high-pressure xenon tank.


Mechanical properties, mechanical and environmental tests, titanium alloy, composite material, breaking strain

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148177452

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