Determination of parameters of an autonomous power supply of an electrical installation for feeding fish with insects

Автор: Gazalov Vladimir Sergeevich, Shabaev Evgeniy Adimovich, Evdokimov Alexander Yurievich, Krivonos Evgeny Nikolaevich

Журнал: Агротехника и энергообеспечение @agrotech-orel

Рубрика: Электротехнологии, электрооборудование и энергоснабжение агропромышленного комплекса

Статья в выпуске: 4 (37), 2022 года.

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Obtaining high productivity of fish grown in open water is possible by feeding it with a mixture of live and non-live feed. To increase the proportion of live food, it is promising to use the natural food base of ponds and local food resources, which can be various photoxene insects attracted by the light of special electrical installations. Autonomous operation of these electrical installations is provided by a rechargeable battery charged from a solar module. A simplified method for calculating the capacity of the storage battery and the power of the solar module is presented, which makes it possible to make a reasonable choice of elements of an autonomous power source for an electrical installation. The resulting equation for determining the daily power consumption of the developed electrical installation for feeding fish with insects reflects its relationship with the operating modes of attractant sources and the organ that affects insects. The analysis of this equation makes it possible to outline ways for a significant reduction in power consumption, and, consequently, the cost of an electrical installation.


Feeding fish, live food, electrical installation, autonomous power supply, solar module, led emitter, attracting insects

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