The optimization of the microclimate of poultry houses in the conditions of Far North

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The aim of the research was to develop measures to optimize the parameters of the microclimate of poultry houses in extreme conditions of the Far North. The research was conducted in the conditions of the Yakut poultry farm, in poultry houses of stage type, on the birds kept in cage batteries, in operating conditions of the supply and exhaust ventilation. Experimental and control group of birds were chosen by the principle of analogs. The experiments were made on laying hens of breed of Hy-Line at the age of 7, 12 months, in experimental and control groups - up to 10 heads. Experimental group of birds was kept at newly introduced energy saving system of ventilation for optimization of parameters of microclimate, and control group of birds - at traditional ventilating system. Zoohygienic researches were conducted with using modern devices of microclimate monitoring. Temperature moisture conditions, the concentration of harmful gases, relative humidity of air; bacterial contamination of air, the content of dust were defined...


Microclimate, temperature, humidity regime, ventilation, sanitary and protection zone (spz), bacterial contamination, poultry farm, farnorth

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140245607   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2019-11-84-89

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