The experience of surgical treatment of primary heart tumours

Автор: Litasova E.E., Schukin V.S., Kozyr A.M., Devjatjaroy L.A., Dukhnov V.V., Kuleshova R.G., Bushmanova G.M., Glotova N.I., Kuznetsova Zh.I., Rezepin S.A.

Журнал: Патология кровообращения и кардиохирургия @journal-meshalkin

Рубрика: Опухоли сердца

Статья в выпуске: 2-3 т.2, 1998 года.

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It has been established after the results of analysis of the obtained data that the most frequent clinical sign of primary heart tumours is a set of non-specific symptoms, the so-called "paraneoplastic syndrome", the clinical picture of which is caused by the active secondary chronic septic endocarditis due to the rumour being infected. Diagnostics at this early stage of the disease is possible with the help of ultrasonic technologies. It has been found out that non-perfusion hypothermic protection permits to provide an "open-dry" heart and remove completely myxoma with simultaneous correction of concomitant valve injuries under the visual control. The removal of the heart myxoma without resection of the atrial septum is not accompanied by the increase in the number of tumour relapses in the long term period. For the patients with non-myxomatous benign and malignant tumours during the surgical treatment caused by the large intervention as a result of wide involvement into the pathological process of heart tissues and structures it is necessary to use cardiopulmonary bypass and transternal approach.


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IDR: 142233294

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