Experience in applying guidelines for state cadastral valuation

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The article analyzes the current methodological recommendations for the state cadastral valuation and notes their strengths and weaknesses. It is concluded that it is necessary to further improve the procedures for determining the cadastral value in close cooperation of Federal service for state registration, cadastre and cartography with representatives of state budgetary institutions empowered to determine the cadastral value, and the introduction of tools for automating cadastral valuation processes at the state level using the example of the regional automated cadastral valuation system.

Analysis of methodological recommendations on state cadastral valuation, application of several approaches to mass valuation, construction costs for each type of buildings, the cost of building a group of objects, specialized reference books of replacement value, public areas limited in circulation


Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170172510

IDR: 170172510   |   DOI: 10.24411/2072-4098-2021-10104

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