The experience of growing Chinese perch in Southern Primorye

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Chinese perch or auha is a rare species that is under the threat of extinction. In Prymorye it is found in the Ussuri River, the Songach River and Lake Khanka. The population of this species has declined significantly due to intensive catch of sires in the main spawning grounds outside Russia. The possibility of breeding the Chinese perch auha in southern Primorye is considered in this paper. From 12 June to 20 June 2014 in the lower reaches of the Melgunovka River of Lake Khanka basin four specimens of Chinese perch were caught (1 female and 3 males), sizes from 32 to 70 cm, weighing from 0.6 to 4.96 kg. To stimulate the mat-uration of sexual products in the perch auha the preparation "Nerestin 6A" was applied. The female Chinese perch auha spawned in captivity did not result in the hatching of larvae because of raising the temperature of the water in the pond and Weiss machines. The sires were brought to the Primorsky Oceanarium, Far Eastern branch of Russian Acad-emy of Sciences, and placed in the pool of re-search adaptive premises where they are now: fe-male was 32 cm, 0,815 kg and two males, 40 and 50 cm, weighing 1,885 and 2,380 kg. On the basis of our own and available published data we got the normative indices on artificial reproduction of Chi-nese perch in southern Primorye (within the bounds of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Primorrybvod" program on reproduction of rare and endangered species of fish in 2013-2016)


Chinese perch, auha, artificial re-production, and bioengineering of breeding

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14084624

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