Organization of student internship in university College South Denmark within the framework of academic mobility

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Academic mobility of students is one of the issues of modern professional education. It is a process of integration of Russian universities into the International educational space. In the 21st century Russian universities have become actively involved in students and teachers exchange, which made this issue one of the most relevant in the development of national education. Academic mobility makes it possible to create a common European area of higher education, that is to make it possible for a student from any European university to get a job in his/her profession both in their homeland and abroad. The article considers the nature of the concept «academic mobility»; it also presents some internship experience of the University College South Denmark students, which is organised by the teachers of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Nizhnevartovsk State University, within the framework of academic mobility of students at educational institutions in Nizhnevartovsk and Nizhnevartovsky District, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra. Particular attention is paid to the methodical recommendations, which help students accomplish their internship successfully, describe their results and analyze gained experience. This work may be of interest when organizing internship in the framework of academic mobility for students who are subject to teacher training and are planning to work in pre-school, supplementary and school education.


Academic mobility, internship, specialization, target competences

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IDR: 14117071

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