Organizational and economic mechanism of management of the North Kuzbass agglomeration

Автор: Kosinsky P.D., Merkuryev V.V., Myagkov E.V.

Журнал: Региональная экономика и управление: электронный научный журнал @eee-region

Статья в выпуске: 1 (77), 2024 года.

Бесплатный доступ

The article considers the management of agglomerations of municipalities in the context of enlarged functions and industries. It is proposed to consider the allocated functions as potential structural subdivisions when forming the organizational and functional structure of the agglomeration of municipalities. A list of 7 industry functions is proposed. The enlarged function of education, science and innovative development is considered in more detail, it is proposed to create a collaboration of educational organizations and a system of continuing education of the Kemerovo agglomeration of municipalities, the principles of this work are presented. Various aspects of building an organizational and economic mechanism for managing the housing and communal services industry, including the digital transformation of the industry, are considered. The indicators of the economic activity of a municipal company in the housing and communal services sector of the North Kuzbass agglomeration of municipalities are calculated.


Agglomeration, kemerovo agglomeration, organizational and economic management mechanism, north kuzbass agglomeration

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 143182316

Статья научная