The main directions and results of the work of collective farms of Krasnoyarsk region on the implementation of three-year development plan of public animal husbandry in post-war years (1949-1951)

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The problem of recovery of public collective-farm animal husbandry of Krasnoyarsk Region in the days of the first post-war five-year period is con-sidered. This branch appeared in critical condition for a number of reasons: providing the population of the country and front with meat and dairy products exhausted already limited opportunities of collective farms of the region; fodder problem led to the exhaustion of cattle and fall; acute short-age of qualified personnel complicated the development of branch. The pur-pose of the study is the definition of the main areas of work within the ac-cepted Three-year development plan of public animal husbandry. The prep-aration of necessary food supply became one of the main tasks. In collective farms large-scale works on the improvement of meadows and pastures, mowing and siloing of forages began. Much attention began to be paid to the introduction of mechanization on preparations of forages and produc-tions on farms. Active construction of premises was not less important for stall cattle keeping...


Krasnoyarsk region, post-war period, animal husbandry, collective farms, farms, livestock, productivity

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