Basic principles of the organization of an effective information support system for an industrial enterprise

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The study proposes a methodology for evaluating the system, the advantage of which is a separate account of the requirements of the IOPP subsystems for the content and movement of information flows, determined by the features of the functioning of an industrial enterprise, the technical condition and level of software, the quantity and quality of the transmitted information. The developed model reflects the logic of interactions of its constituent subsystems, defines a set of communications with the information environment in order to ensure efficiency, regulates the processes of evaluation and feedback and providing the necessary information to users for the implementation of professional competencies. Thus, the identified factors of the organization make it possible to further justify the priority directions of the organization of an effective IOPP system and build an appropriate model on the platform of modern IT tools and developed methodological assessment tools. The implementation of the priority directions of the organization of an effective IOPP system involves the implementation of such procedures as the assessment and diagnosis of the current state and the definition of” bottlenecks “ from the point of view of the unity of the NDDV criteria, organizational and economic modeling of the IOPP business processes based on the formation of a vision of the desired state of the system and the strategy of the development of IOPP, focused on the adaptation of users to the opportunities provided by the improved configuration of information support. The results obtained allow industrial enterprises to achieve the optimal state of the IOPP system in relation to the goals and objectives of functioning in the conditions of digital transformation during the strategy period.


Information system, industrial enterprise information support system, industrial enterprise development strategy, system evaluation criteria

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142230331   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.1789

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