Main trends in the development of the agricultural industry in the south of Russia and factors of its intensification

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The article examines the dynamics of agricultural production in the RF, the macroregion South of Russia, and establishes indicators for the share of agricultural production of the analyzed macroregion in the total gross value added (GVA) of the constituent entities of the RF for the 2018-2022. Expressed in comparable prices, the amount of gross value added (GVA) of the regions of the RF increased from 77.58 trillion rubles. in 2018 to 83.34 trillion rubles. in 2022 (+5.76 trillion rubles, +7.43%). The total agricultural production of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation increased during the observation period by 0.57 trillion rubles. (+15.84%), the macroregion South of Russia by 0.22 trillion rubles. (+25.47%). The growth rates of the above indicators were 7.43%, 15.84%, 25.47% respectively. The directions for changing the structure of Russian agricultural exports in favor of products with a high level of processing by reducing the share of agricultural raw materials are substantiated, which will significantly increase the incoming cash flow of Russian agricultural exporters, agricultural producers and, accordingly, tax contributions to the budget system of the RF. The results of the study can be used by state authorities of the RF and constituent entities of the RF in the formation of state agricultural policy, as well as tools for spatial development.


Economy, macroregion, south of Russia, agriculture, agro-industrial complex, development, trends, dynamics

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IDR: 142240954   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.3478

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