Features and priorities of digital medicine development

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The article discusses the features and priorities of the digital transformation of the healthcare system in Russia, taking into account macroeconomic instability and sanctions restrictions. The author notes the undoubted importance of installing digital solutions in the process of providing medical services in order to improve their quality, efficiency and accessibility. The main priorities for the development of digital medicine include: creating a digital medical profile of each citizen, introducing elements of artificial intelligence into the processes of diagnosis and treatment of diseases, creating and replicating uniform quality standards for the provision of medical services in a digital format, stimulating investment activity in the field of digital medicine, building a transparent and relevant administrative and legal space.


Digitalization, healthcare, medical institution, digital transformation, digital profile, telemedicine

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170205315

IDR: 170205315   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-5-5-45-48

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