Features and importance of physical training for police officers

Автор: Malamu S., Pakhomov V.I.

Журнал: Автономия личности @avtonomiya-lichnosti

Рубрика: Физическая безопасность личности

Статья в выпуске: 2 (32), 2024 года.

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The article examines the importance of physical training for police officers in all countries. It is noted that all officers are required to lead a healthy lifestyle and constantly maintain their physical shape. The basis of a healthy lifestyle of a police officer consists of four factors: rest, hygiene, diet and exercise. The goals, objectives and some features of the physical training of police officers are defined. It was emphasized that physical training increases the efficiency of officers, reduces the risk of injury and ensures their safety and well - being. It also helps to create a positive public image of police officers, demonstrating their commitment to maintaining law and order.


Physical training, police officer, combat fighting techniques, training effectiveness, physical fitness

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142241100

IDR: 142241100

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