The modular approach to the identification of reserves for providing an effective operation of production systems

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A procedure for the identification of reserves revitalization of industrial systems, the analysis of identification technology, the basic process model identification. On this basis, to provide the modular approach to the identification of reserves for providing an effective operation of production systems. The requirements and condition of the identification process, the basic forms of identification, the most typical of industrial enterprises, the main aspects of the use of the identification results, in the organization of their effective functioning. The features of the identification in the analysis using the modular approach to the identification of reserves for providing an effective operation of production systems, reflecting system parameter estimation, on this basis, introduced into scientific arsenal of the concept of identification threshold, which determines the ratio of the amount taken into account in the identification of the indicators to the total possible in the identification number.


Reserve, identification, processes and infrastructure, models

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14876105

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