The peculiarities of clinical appearances and characteristic immunopathogenessis in patients with chronic myeloleukemia

Автор: Smirnova O.V., Manchouk V.T., Savchenko A.A.

Журнал: Сибирский онкологический журнал @siboncoj

Рубрика: Клинические исследования

Статья в выпуске: 3 (23), 2007 года.

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We examined clinical-immunological state and estimated the activity of metabolic enzymes of lymphocytes in 44 pts chronic myeloleukemia. Pts chronic myeloleukemia in all disease's stages had immune status disturbances and changes of activities metabolic enzymes of lymphocytes. The most important immune status disturbances and changes of activities metabolic enzymes of lymphocytes in pts chronic myeloleukemia were revealed during terminal stage of disease. The revealed changes and differences characterize immunopathogenetic aspects developing and progressing of chronic myeloleukemia.

Chronic myeloleukemia, immune status

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IDR: 14054573

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