Features of competitiveness of human resources in maritime labor market

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The relevance of the article is substantiated by high rate of maritime labor market development in current market-driven economy conditions. Human resources are the most valuable assets of every shipping company. Recruiting of skilled workforce is one of the most important missions for ship-owners, as the competitiveness of any shipping company depends on the availability of competitive marine specialists in it. Considering the specific nature of maritime business and particular characteristics of shipping company's activities, we can admit that the most highly qualified personnel grows up and develops directly inside the company. The articles describes the main components of the concept of "competitive human resource" on the maritime labor market, as well it reflects the main trends in the recruitment of maritime personnel. The article analyzes maritime practical reports and practice of maritime recruitment in crewing companies.


Human resources, human resources competitiveness, maritime labor market, staff recruitment, maritime business

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14875889

IDR: 14875889

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