The features of heavy metals accumulation and allocation in the soils of Abakan

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Heavy metals are indicators of technogenic pol-lution of urban soil, that is why, the research of its accumulation and allocation is paramount for mod-ern researches of a soil cover of urboecosystem. The pollution of urban soil with heavy metals of the environment is basically connected with its aero-genic inflow as a result of vehicle maintenance. As compared with the traditional approach to research-ing of urban soil’s pollution involving the analysis of a content of heavy metals in upper soil horizons to a depth of 0-10 cm, the approach which concern- ing a determination of heavy metal content of soils in soils cross section consistent with nonuniform distribution of heavy metals and it’s concentration on different geochemical barriers, appears more efficient. A significant excess of mobile fraction of heavy metals content have been identified by the analysis of heavy metal content of soils in soils cross section of Abakan regarding the content of chemicals in soil in areas which is not exposed to technogenic impact and maximum permissible con-centration exceed 680.2 and 10.9 times. The fact of an nonuniform distribution of heavy metals in soils cross section have been established the so it’s con-firms the efficient of approach to appreciation of pollution of an urban soil by determination of aver-age concentration of metals. Direct relation of their proportion of a load traffic ratio have been arranged by analysis of an average index of a proportion of a gross and mobile fraction of heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn) in soils cross section on a survey plot. The fact of significant influence of the indexes pH, hu-mus content, cation exchange capacity, granulo-metric composition on a concentration of heavy metals in a soils cross section have been noted under inspection soil’s physicochemical properties it follows formation of horizons with special physi-cochemical conditions (geochemical barriers), when you can see the accumulation of heavy met-als in particular soil horizons.


Urban soil, urbanozyom, technogen-ic pollution, motor transport, heavy metals, geo-chemical barrier

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IDR: 14084985

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