Specifics of berry mass inheritance in strawberry

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The objective of the research was to reveal the features of inheritance of the sign of mass by berry at various density of placement of nutlets on berries of parental genotypes. The relationships between inheritance of average mass of berry and indicators of average of nutlets on 1 berry, on 1 cm2 of its sur-face and the average mass of pulp on 1 nutlet at parental forms and in a number of posterities from their crossing with two small-fruited wild-growing forms and among themselves were studied. The signs of the number of nutlets on 1 berry and the mass of pulp on 1 nutlet were inherited inde- pendently. The first sign was defined by generally complementary, additive genes, and the second was influenced by various groups of genes in par-ticular defining the number of inflorescences on 1 plant and frost resistance of rudiments of inflores-cences. The number of nutlets on 1 cm2 of the sur-face of berry species could serve as indirect indica-tor of the contribution this genotype will make when crossing in the mass of pulp on 1 nutlet, i. e. in car-pophore mass. More large-fruited and fruitful fami-lies and high exit of large-fruited seedlings were received when the crossings were executed be-tween two large-fruited grades one of which pro-duced berries with a large number of nutlets weigh-ing pulp at 1 nutlet not lower than 18.0 mg (Alpha, Festivalnaya), and the second - with high average value of mass of pulp on 1 nutlet, about 30.0 mg (Rubinovy kulon).


Fragaria × ananassa duch, variety, crossing, hybrid, posterity, selection

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140224317

IDR: 140224317

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