Peculiarities of making material traces as a result of intentional destruction or damage to property of another, committed by arson

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The information on the peculiarities of the mechanism of trace formation is an essential element of the forensic characteristics of intentional destruction or damage to property of another committed by arson, since they contain the most valuable information about the circumstances of the crimes in question. The analysis of the offender’s, victim’s and other participants’ actions in the criminal event allows the investigator to identify the specific items that the offender has been exposed to and suggest which traces could remain on these items. On the basis of such an analysis, versions are put forward concerning the location of the evidence. The article focuses on the classification of typical material traces found on the site of a fire, the study of which allows obtaining actual data on the location of the fire, its cause and duration, the conditions that contributed to the spread of combustion, as well as other circumstances important for establishing the truth for a specific criminal case.


Material traces, intentional destruction or damage to property of another, arson, criminal identity

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142232797

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