Features of operational management in electric power systems

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The peculiarity of modern electric power systems (EES) and power supply systems (SES) is the complexity of the structure, the inclusion of distributed generation systems (RG), renewable energy sources (RES), electricity storage systems (SNEE), an increase in the rate of normal, emergency and post-emergency transients, the mass introduction of digital relay protection systems (RS) and emergency automation (PA). In this regard, the load on the operational management systems of the EPS (SES) is increasing and, accordingly, on the operational personnel, who must take into account the shortcomings and unreliability of the equipment in order to ensure its operability. In the course of performing their duties, the operator of the EES (SES) can make mistakes with different frequency, accompanied by consequences, regardless of the qualification and experience of the employee. Therefore, the assessment of the reliability of the EPS (SES) will be incomplete without assessing the reliability of operational personnel. The results of the analysis of operational management features, tasks, types and probabilities of a number of errors, operator behavior in normal and extreme conditions, as well as taking into account the role of the operator's personality will reduce the likelihood of making mistakes when making various kinds of management decisions.


Reliability, operational personnel, management, electric power systems, human operator, efficiency

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147241072

IDR: 147241072

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