The features of primary seed production of winter rye

Автор: Timina M.A., Kobylyansky V.D., Butkovskaya L.K.

Журнал: Вестник Красноярского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-kgau

Рубрика: Агрономия

Статья в выпуске: 5, 2020 года.

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The purpose of the research was to submit the scheme of receiving elite seeds providing accelerated reproduction of low-pentosan varieties at full preservation of a new valuable sign on the basis of the analysis of existing methods of winter rye primary seed farming. Seed-growing work with population varieties of winter rye is rather complicated process; it must be carried out only in institutions-originators of the variety under the selectors' constant supervision. In order to preserve valuable trait of low water-soluble pentosans in the grain during seed production, the method of pair crosses using indicator spikes is the most effective one. The method was developed taking into account self-incompatibility, cross-pollination of plants of rye and recessive type of inheritance of the sign of low maintenance of water-soluble pentozan, and also morphological features of low-pentosan in the grain. Primary seed farming was based on the selection of elite couples of mutually repollinated plants, each of which had to be characterized by low maintenance of water-soluble pentozan. In order to accelerate the production of elite seeds and reduce the time required to switch to sowing a new variety after its inclusion in the State Registry, it is advisable to use genetic reserve method in parallel. After the transfer of the variety to the state test, it is necessary to form a genetic reserve fund. It would allow receiving superelite by the time of inclusion of the variety in the State Registry. Reserve seeds should be used within two years. The renewal of genetic reserve fund should be carried out by the method of pair crosses using indicator spikes. After the second year of the state test, pair crosses are to be conducted, the seeds are to be laid to the nursery for testing offspring of elite pairs, then to the selection nurseries of the first and second years. From the seeds of reproduction nursery of the second year to form a reserve fund of the second generation, which then can be used to obtain superelite and elite varieties.


Winter rye, low pentosan varieties, primary seed production, selection, nursery, seeds

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140250629   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2020-5-48-53

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