Features of causes and conditions violent crimes for reasons of affirmation or self-affirmation, committed by convicts

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The relevance of the stated topic is due to the frequency of violent crimes committed by convicts on the grounds of affirmation or self-affirmation. The commission of crimes is determined by various causes and conditions. Therefore, in order to effectively prevent this group of crimes, it is necessary to analyze the determinants that contribute to their commission. The causes and conditions of violent crimes motivated by affirmation or self-affirmation are identified and examined, their features are established. The results of the study can be applied by the legislator when improving criminal legislation in this part and other legislation; by law enforcement officers - when developing effective measures to prevent violent crimes motivated by the assertion or self-assertion committed by convicts; by scientists - when further studying the determination of the acts under study and developing measures to prevent them. As a conclusion, it is noted that violent crimes motivated by affirmation or self-affirmation committed by convicts are caused by common causes - economic, social, cultural, moral and legal, as well as special reasons - behavioral dependence of a person (convict) from yourself; motivational and semantic formations. The conditions for the commission of the criminal acts in question are: the criminal subculture of convicts; the state of their frustration; shortcomings of the Russian penal system, etc. At the same time, the need for further investigation of the causes and conditions of violent crimes motivated by the assertion or self-assertion committed by convicts is emphasized in order to develop effective measures to prevent these acts.


Causes and conditions of crimes, violent crimes, crimes committed by convicts, motive of the crime, affirmation, self-affirmation

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14129532

IDR: 14129532   |   DOI: 10.47629/2074-9201_2023_4.1_42_47

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