Peculiarities of certain investigative actions in forest fire investigations

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The investigation of forest fires is distinguished by many features due to the complexity of the situation at the scene of the incident, in establishing a causal relationship between the actions of specific individuals and the resulting consequences, as well as investigative situations at various stages of the investigation. Despite a sufficient amount of research on the topic under consideration, at present many questions remain regarding the immediate detection and investigation of these crimes, including the conduct of investigative actions. The article examines the tactical features of conducting individual investigative actions at various stages of the investigation into the destruction or damage of forest plantations. The author highlights the features of conducting inspections of forest fires, searches, examinations, interrogation of suspects, witnesses, appointment of various types of examinations, as well as other investigative actions carried out in the investigation of this category of crimes. The importance of ensuring high-quality verification of reports of forest fires, as well as carrying out a set of investigative actions at all stages of the investigation, is noted.


Fire, arson, investigative actions, destruction of forest plantations, damage to forest plantations

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IDR: 143183006   |   DOI: 10.55001/2587-9820.2024.73.27.022

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