Features of leukocytic reaction to transportation in chicken with various stress sensitivity

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The number of basophiles, eosinophiles, lymphocytes, monocytes and heterophiles in blood was compared before and after transportation of 37 day-old chicks of the Hubbard ISA F15 meat cross. For preliminary determination of individual stress sensitivity in tested poultry, we have proposed the technique, consisting in a modeling of local adaptive syndrome by means of intradermal injection of 70 % turpentine solution into a jowl. As it was confirmed experimentally, the transportation was a powerful irritant, causing the development of stress in chicks, that was manifested as a change in leukogram, in particular, the considerable decrease in lymphocytes number and the increase in heterophiles number. The individual sensitivity to stress depends directly on a chick’s reactivity. The reactivity was higher in stress resistant individuals, than in stress sensitive ones.


Individual stressful sensitivity of chickens, leukogram, stress, transportation of chickens

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IDR: 142133331

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