Features of psychological well-being in middle adulthood

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The problem and the goal. This article examines the results of a study on the level of psychological well-being during middle adulthood. It describes the most significant parameters influencing psychological well-being in this age period. In today’s world, where stress and tension have become an integral part of life, the question of the population’s psychological well-being becomes especially important. Additionally, the age period of middle adulthood confronts individuals with various challenges: personal, professional, familial, material, etc. The theoretical and methodological foundation of the research is based on both domestic and foreign scientific approaches describing the components and phenomenology of psychological well-being, as presented in the works of N. Bradburn, E. Diener, A. Waterman, A.A. Kronik, K. Rogers, G. Allport, C. Jung, E. Erikson, S. Bühler, M. Jahoda, R.M. Ryan, E.L. Deci, K. Riff, W. James, M. Csikszentmihalyi, P.P. Fesenko, T.D. Shevelev, L.V. Kulikova, R.M. Shamionov, etc. Approaches to the study of the middle adulthood period rely on the works of scholars such as E.L. Soldatova, E. Erikson, S. Bühler, G.S. Abramova, B.G. Ananiev, D. Bromley, M.V. Gamezo, L.A. Golovey, E.F. Rybalka, A.V. Tolstykh, V.F. Morgun, N.Y. Tkacheva, D.B. Elkonin, E.I. Stepanova, S. Kessler, A.N. Leontiev, E.T. Sokolova, P. Baltes, R.D. Havig-Hurst, etc. The study involved 54 participants aged between 36-46 years, consisting of 15 % men and 85 % women, with an average age of 38 years. To identify the current level of psychological well-being among respondents, a diagnostic complex was chosen and conducted: the Koler’s questionnaire for assessing satisfaction with functioning in various spheres1, the “Psychological Well-Being Scale” by K. Riff (adapted by T.D. Shevelev and P.P. Fesenko) [Shevelev, Fesenko, 2005], the Life Satisfaction Test by N.N. Melnikova2, the Meaning-in-Life Orientations Test (MLOT) adapted by D.A. Leontiev3, the SF-36 quality of life questionnaire [Ware Jr, Sherbourne, 1992], and a candidate questionnaire for participation in a psychological counseling group, which included a block of questions on life modalities by R.M. Shamionov4. Statistical data processing was carried out using mathematical statistics and Pearson correlation analysis, including mean analysis. Statistical indicators were computed with the help of the SPSS Statistics 22.0 software.


Psychological well-being, middle adulthood

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IDR: 144163241

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