Features of the development of reader interest in the digital environment

Автор: Diner Elena Vasilyevna

Журнал: Культура: теория и практика @theoryofculture

Рубрика: Информационные ресурсы

Статья в выпуске: 2 (29), 2019 года.

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In the article, based on a theoretical analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of a digital text, methods and techniques for presenting the content of an e-book are identified that contribute to the development of interest in reading in the digital environment, and an empirical rationale for their use is given.

Development of interest in reading, digital environment, e-book, signature and syntactic components of an e-book, methods of presenting text in a digital environment

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/144159998

IDR: 144159998

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