Features of registration of morbidity in different dose groups of liquidators of the Chernobyl accident

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Impact of dose on the quality of registration of liquidators' health status was studied with the use of data of the National Radiation and Epidemiological Registry (NRER) and randomly selected medical reports made at the Sanatorium. Two dose groups of the liquidators were selected: group 1 -doses of external radiation ranges from 0-99 mGy and group 2 - doses over 200 mGy. Analyzed primary medical data on the same patient from different sources were reliable. Data kept in the NRER were shown to be true basis for organization of long-term epidemiological studies of effects of low dose radiation on health status of population.


Accident at the chernobyl npp, liquidators, radiation-epidemiological analysis, data quality control

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170169935

IDR: 170169935

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