Traits of blade production in Lithic industries of the Kokorevo culture

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This article directs to exposure of the connections between the features of the lithic technology of blade production in the Kokorevo culture's industries and the specificity of its local raw materials (alluvial pebble bed of Yenisey river). For the first time was realizing the modeling of blade production technology with the local raw material (alluvial pebble). Experimental research enabled to appraise the raw material base of stone industries, wich used alluvial pebble bed of Yenisei river and defined the Kokorevo culture industries knapping technique. Comparison the results of experimental modeling of knapping technology with the refitting and assemblage's research enables to assert, that the Kokorevo culture's technology of blade production were the most optimal with the usage of the local raw material. Kokorevo culture's technology of the large blade productions main features are: minimal precore preparation (usually were prepared only one strike platform); low degree of the core utilization (usually, blades were are knapped the first series of removal only); limitation of core reshaping variants. This features, in the first of all, are the associated with the local raw materials specificities.


Middle yenisei basin, upper paleolithic, kokorevo culture, primary reduction, blade production technology

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IDR: 147218848

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