Features of conditions for self-development of the local community in the northern region (on the example of the Murmansk region)

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In the article, for the purpose of research, a sociological analysis of the conditions of self-development of local communities in the Murmansk region is carried out: social problems of the Northern region and the most relevant initiatives of residents that contribute to the self-development of local territorial communities are analyzed. The types of social interaction that contribute to the self-development of local communities are identified. The factors influencing the degree of activity and readiness of the local population to participate in socially significant activities, the main reasons for obstacles, the readiness of the local community to participate in solving issues of local life, to joint actions are identified. The conclusion is made about the importance of interaction between the local community and local authorities for the self-development of the local community.


Local community, self-development, local authorities, local problems, interaction

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142225280

IDR: 142225280   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.1244

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