Features of vegetative reproduction and growth of Wolffia arrhiza and Azolla caroliniana in the conditions of Southern Kyrgyzstan

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The article examines the characteristics of growth and reproduction of Wolffia arrhiza and Azolla caroliniana. Vegetative propagation of Wolffia arrhiza occurs by budding of daughter plants formed in a special cavity. The daughter body is, as it were, pushed out of the mother body by the next daughter body. At this time, it already contains its daughter bodies in the brood pocket, which are “grandchildren” in relation to the first maternal one. The daughter body, breaking away from the mother body after 3-5 days, begins to separate new bodies on average after 1-1.5 days. In the cultures we studied, it was observed that the lifespan of one individual of Wolffia arrhiza, depending on the nutrient medium, varied from 23 to 27 days, regardless of the date at which the individual separated from the mother. The mother plant Azolla caroliniana has one main root, and when the lateral branches grow, a new root is formed. During vegetative propagation, lateral branches break off from the mother's body and with the help of a stream of water, the lateral branches are easily separated from the mother's body. Research results have shown that the highest yielding periods for Wolfia rootless fall in May-September, where the monthly harvest of Wolfia is 21.8 - 31.8 t/ha of wet biomass. Azolla in spring, summer and autumn produces from 75.8-280.3 g/m² of biomass per day, in winter - 35-50 g/m². Thus, Azolla does not completely stop vegetative reproduction even in the winter months.


Wolffia arrhiza, azolla coroliniana

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170203353

IDR: 170203353   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-2-2-7-11

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