Features of protection of the right to a favorable environment in court

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This article discusses the features of protecting the constitutional right to a favorable environment in court. In order to determine the object of judicial protection of the violated right to a favourable environment is analyzed legislative and scientific definition of “enabling environment”, discusses the characteristics of the claims presented in order to protect the right to a favourable environment, are identified issues of jurisdiction of this category of disputes, examines judicial practice in the sphere of protection of the right to a healthy environment. At the end of the article, the authors identify some problems of judicial protection of the right to a favorable environment based on the analysis of judicial practice.


Deficiencies in the activities of the prosecutor's office, supervision of the enforcement of laws regarding sentencing in the form of restriction of freedom, improvement of prosecutorial supervision of the enforcement of laws regarding punishment in the form of restriction, judicial protection of environmental rights, judicial protection of the right to a favorable environment, claims for compensation for environmental damage


Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14119505

IDR: 14119505

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