Recourse to judicial review of decisions Federal service for intellectual property, patents and trademarks with regard to circumstances arising after its adoption

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The author considers some circumstances arising after the adoption of the Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Patents and Trademarks solutions. Examples of the courts evaluation of the circumstances surrounding the exclusion (by 2008 - a concession), the complainant opposed trademark, giving the applicant a letter of consent from the copyright owner struggles with a trademark, early termination of legal protection opposed trademark owner opposed the elimination of trade marks. According to the analysis of judicial practice the author concludes that, considering the application for annulment of the decision Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Patents and Trademarks, the court determines whether the decision (with regard to the circumstances at the time of adoption) to the law. This position corresponds to Russias courts procedural legislation.


Court, patent, trade mark, as opposed to a trademark, the alienation of a trademark, the legal protection of a trademark, challenging the non-normative legal act

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170152010

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