Convicts - former court and law enforcement officials as a special social group

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Global changes in modern society, which took place due to the strengthening of the rule-of-law state, have brought up to date researches in the field of penitentiary sociology. The study of personal characteristics of different categories of convicts, the specifics of their relationships, everyday life, peculiarities of adaptation to new realities of penitentiary, convicts' deviant behavior and other aspects is indeed an important, necessary and practically oriented direction in the framework of humanization and liberalization of criminal and criminal-executive policies of our state. Penitentiary behavior, social characteristics and other issues of penitentiary sociology relevant to such a category of convicts, as former court and law enforcement officials, are rarely considered to be refractive to this social group. At the same time, the actualization of the problems associated with this social group initiates searches for corrective-educational measures of influence on convicts, as well as special training for the staff of correctional institutions.


Convicts, social group, former law enforcement officials, public group

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IDR: 142232793

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