Some problems of ensuring the safety of participants in criminal proceedings

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Introduction. The article examines one of the complex issues related to achieving the appointment of criminal proceedings in modern conditions of counteracting the investigation and justice through undue influence on participants in criminal proceedings. At the heart of each criminal case considered on the merits is incriminating evidence, including incriminating testimony of victims and (or) persons contributing to justice. The loss of this evidence or its failure to provide, as a rule, cannot be compensated for by other information recognized as evidence by criminal procedural legislation. Their importance in the chain of evidence is clear to all participants in criminal proceedings, which is why people who want to avoid criminal liability for crimes are trying to break this chain in various ways. The state at the legislative level provides for measures aimed at ensuring the safety of participants in criminal proceedings, which contribute to the protection of those who have found the strength to resist the criminal world. At the same time, existing measures do not solve all the accumulated problems in this area and need to be improved.


Participants in criminal proceedings, security measures, countering investigations, evidence, fighting crime

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IDR: 143182508   |   DOI: 10.55001/2312-3184.2024.51.28.020

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