Answering question in communicative culture

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The article is devoted to communicative aspect of interrogative pronouncement, interrogative strategy of communication. The investigation of answering question’s nature is conditioned on scientific paradigm’s transformation: transfer from investigation of speech as an object to description of speech behavior changes task, material and methods of its description. The «formula» of question is learn mainly grammatically: lingua-didactical aspect of interrogative constructions is studied because of foreign languages acquisition, including Russian as foreign. Investigation of written soliloquy texts gave description of two important phenomenons: rhetorical question as discoursive schema and question-answer complex as the way of text development and construction of one of the most important textual forms of dialogic nature. In communicative aspect the answering question (as a question in general) is non-studied phenomenon. The answering question is defined as the one that is based on the interlocutor pronouncement’s rhema and on the development of this rhematic component. The answering question constitutes base for different genres of dialogue (interview, conversation, polylogue, dispute, debates, discussion etc.) and provides for communicant the construction of convergent intercourse taking account of conceptual senses of interlocutor. The main specific of answering question is that lexic-semantic content of foregoing pronouncement’s rhema is the base for all semantic transformations of answering question. Emerging in initial alien pronouncement rhema undergoes semantic transformations determining all sense structure of answering question. The deeper are semantic transformations of alien rhema in answering question, the more explicit are signs of its answering nature. One more sign of answering question is forming of specific genres showing relations own / alien, connecting alien pronouncement and own answering question. In the article the model of answering question is described, types of answering questions are marked out, and circumstances under which the answering question can be evidence of high level communicative competence of speaker. Three main parts of the article are devoted to: 1) culture of question and perspectives of its description, 2) answering area of speech-production in coordination to initial area and signs of pronouncements, texts of answering type, 3) answering question itself. Answering question is being examined on the example of such its varieties as question-interpretation, question-doubt, question-periphrase etc. Answering question is being inserted into area of convergent dialogue’s interpreting questions and coordinated to other types of question - such as test, fatique, provocation questions. The article works up the thesis that interrogative pronouncement is not only strong communicative position, but also professional competence providing effectiveness of activity in areas « man - man » and « man - text ».


Answering area of discourse, types of answering questions, communicative culture, communicative competence, question-answer complex, pronouncement''s rhema, answering question''s rhema

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147219966   |   DOI: 10.25205/1818-7919-2018-17-6-108-115

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