Paleolithic sites of middle and upper Neopleistocene in Irkutsk: problems and perspectives of researches

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The current geochronology of known sites of Irkutsk covers last third of neopleistocene. Archeology of Karginsky interstadial, set of final-paleolithic sites, sites and burial grounds of early Neolithic, city archeology with necropolises of XVII–XVIII centuries stand out as separate thematic blocks. In the present article we offer to consideration the sites of Sartan, Karga and earlier chronoranges. The problem of different degree of research of known Paleolithic sites against a background enough extensive volume of the information sets goal of expansion of full-scale researches on sites knowledge about which is limited by the primary data and opens the wide field of activity for solving the paleoclimate and technoevolution tasks. Lower Paleolithic sites may be found under extreme thick sediments and on denudated surfaces in Irkutsk. Industries of Karginsky interstadial allow to form the internal geoarcheological scale currently. Geoarcheological sites of Sartan glaciation fixed in united complex with sites of interstadial and presented with a few materials provide possibility to survey the dynamics of lithotechnologic evolution in Upper Paleolithic.


Irkutsk, upper paleolithic, geoarcheology, tectonic crosspiece, karginsky interstadial, industry

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IDR: 147218856

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