Pathomorphological diagnostics of acute respiratory distress syndrome of newborns in а foal

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The research objective was carrying out the analysis of the picture of pathological and anatomical changes of bodies and tissues of the foal who fell with clinical picture of sharp respiratory distresssyndrome of newborns with the establishment of an etiopathogenez and morphological features, pathognomonic for the disease. Pathomorfological picture of changes of bodies and tissues in the foal who fell in the early post-natal period with clinical signs of sharp respiratory and cardiovascular insufficiency, and also an edematous and hemorrhagic syndrome was studied. The main disease was established, the changes of bodies and tissues, pathognomonic for the illness, were revealed, differential diagnostics was carried out. The object of the research was the corpse of a newborn foal of Trakenen breed. The section of the corpse was carried out by the method of partial partition of organocomplex. Histological research of the tissues of lungs, myocardium, kidneys, lymph nodes, spleens, liver, pancreas, timus, adrenal glands, thyroid gland, brain was carried out...


Foals, horses, respiratory distress syndrome of newborns, alveolar dysplasia, young growth diseases

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IDR: 140245678

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