Patomorphology of aborted fetus under multifetal pregnancy in a horse

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Pathomorphological picture of the changes in the organs and tissues of the aborted due to miscarriage during a multiple pregnancy in a mare was studied with the establishment of the cause of their death, underlying the disease and its complications, and differential diagnosis. The objects of the study were the corpses of two fetuses after complete spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) in a mare in the last trimester of a multiple pregnancy; the age of the fetus was 221 days, gender: fetus № 1 - female, fetus No 2 - male. Pathological autopsy of the corpses of the fetuses was carried out by the method of partial dissection of the organocomplex. During the corpse section, the material was taken for histological examination - the fragments of lung tissue, myocardium, kidneys, lymph nodes, spleen, liver, pancreas, thymus, adrenal glands, thyroid gland, brain, which was fixed in a 10 % neutral formalin solution, the sections were made on a microtome "Technom MZP-01", stained with Ehrlich hematoxylin and eosin, the microscopy was carried out on a Levenhuk 320 microscope. Microphotography and microphotography analysis were performed on a Canon EOS 1100D camera. The results of pathomorphological study of organs and tissues showed that fetal death had been caused by hypoplasia, which developed against the background of chronic insufficiency of uteroplacental circulation and intrauterine hypoxia in fetus No 1, complicated by general anemia, hypofunction of the cardiovascular system and autolysis of organs and tissues. Antenatal death of the second fetus occurred a few days after the death of the first as a result of polypathy - multiple pathological torsions of umbilical cord and pronounced alternative-exudative processes, against the background of intoxication with decay products of the tissues of the corpse of fetus № 1, with the development of fetal asphyxiation. The circumstance of female fetal hypoplasia, atypical for stillbirth in a multiple pregnancy in a horse, had been established, due to the fact that non-specific fetopathies were more often observed in males with heterogeneous twins.


Horses, spontaneous abortion, multiple pregnancy, pathomorphology, stillbirth, fetopathy, foals

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140250647   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2020-6-171-187

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