Patriotic education in the conditions of modern socio-cultural situation (on the example of the cultural and leisure institutions of the Transbaikal region)

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The article considers one of the leading activities of cultural and leisure institutions of the Transbaikal region in modern conditions - patriotic education of citizens of all age categories. The most popular forms of work of the cultural and leisure institutions of the Transbaikal region are presented. The data concerning the quantitative composition of the club formations, events of patriotic 118 Вестник ВСГИК. 2024. № 1(29). character in the region are given. The article also presents the most relevant practices in patriotic education with an educational component, projects on the interregional and regional levels.

Patriotism, spiritual and moral values, creativity, club societies, workshop

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170202354   |   DOI: 10.31443/2541-8874-2024-1-29-118-124

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