Processing of coal tar into petrochemicals and fuel products
Автор: Mizambekova A., Izumka А., Kanafina D., Lopachuk M., Sagimbaeva Z.
Журнал: Форум молодых ученых @forum-nauka
Статья в выпуске: 9 (61), 2021 года.
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The article summarizes the results of the research. The influence of cavitation-wave action on coal tar, which leads to a change in the rheological properties (density, viscosity), as a result of an increase in the yield of light and medium fractions, is investigated, and the process of catalytic hydrogenation of coal in the presence of a catalytic additive and mine methane is studied. Currently, the study of fuel and chemical products of coal and oil is considered as one of the promising priority areas in petrochemistry and energy. [1-3] During the thermal processing of solid fuels (brown coal, peat, coal), in addition to the formation of semi-coke and coke, resins, pyrogenetic water and gases are formed. Processing of coal tar is carried out in order to obtain aromatic hydrocarbons before obtaining motor fuels, obtaining phenols, homologs of naphthalene. The interest in the study and complex processing of coal tar obtained from the coals of the Shubarkol section is of a practical and theoretical nature. The Republic of Kazakhstan has a unique hydrocarbon raw material, which is exported to the countries of the far and near abroad. The territory of Central Kazakhstan is famous for the coal basins of the Karaganda, Ekibastuz, Shubarkol deposits, etc. The main difference between the coals of the Shubarkolsky section is a low ash content (3-5%), a high concentration of hydrogen in the organic mass of coal, a low degree of metamorphism, a high yield of volatile products, in addition, it should be noted that the coals of the Shubarkol section are developed by an open method. The literature review [1-2] showed that in practice there are no wave apparatuses that would allow processing of heavy hydrocarbon raw materials using non-thermal methods. The purpose of this work was to study the effect of cavitation-wave action on coal tar, which leads to a change in the rheological properties (density, viscosity), and as a result, an increase in the yield of light and medium fractions. The mechanism of formation of a pseudo-homogeneous catalyst was studied by electron scanning microscopy. It is shown that Fe-and Ni-containing catalysts with particle sizes of 5-20 nm at the primary CCR will have a catalytic activity several times higher than heterogeneous catalysts on different carriers.
Coal, hydrogenation, peat, cavitation, petrochemicals, fuels, resin, phenol
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 140288863