Advanced machines for flax straw harvesting

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The features of the preparation of flax straw during combine harvesting technology are discussed. This technology is necessary for getting the flax straw, which is processed with purpose of obtaining the flax fiber. The available constructions of technical means for working out the basic operations during flax straw retting have been analyzed. Some imperfections of existing models of flax harvesting machines are discussed. Some of them mere passed the state tests and was recognized promising, but they were not gotten the recommendations for using in agricultural industry. Other machinery were used in the industry for long time, but they are out of date and require update according to demands of the current conditions and the new quality standards of the production. The third variety of the machinery in spite of efficiency of operations consists of high cost with the long payback period. All these problems need to be addressed to get a good quality flax fiber which has high demand on the world market. The prospects of further work on the modernization of existing machines for the preparation of flax retted straw are justified. Particularly in demand is the production of new low-power, high-productive and reliable technical flax harvesting machines.


Combine harvesting technology, flax straw retting, straw turning over

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IDR: 14770206

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