Possibilities of interagency cooperation between civil defense organizations and information and library institutions in Russia and Germany

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The article analyzes the state policy in the field of civil protection in Russia and Germany. On the example of German experience and taking into account the Russian managerial and departmental potential, the possibility of connecting information and library institutions to the basic principles of life safety is shown. The main directions of interagency cooperation are revealed: in the field of ensuring the safety of the insurance fund of library documents, creating a cooperative system of recommendatory bibliographies, developing cooperation in the Internet space, activating the state book exchange fund and partner-based picking with professional and special literature.


Civil defense, basics of life safety, critical information infrastructure objects, propaganda, germany, libraries, insurance fund of library documents, the hague convention, information policy

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/144161483

IDR: 144161483

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