Petroleum potential of south-eastern slope of Baikitsky anteclise (Taimbinsky promising area)

Автор: Parasyna V.S., Khudorozhkov V.G., Strunov A.V., Gutina O.V., Pritsan N.V.

Журнал: Геология нефти и газа.

Рубрика: Перспективы нефтегазоносности и результаты ГРР

Статья в выпуске: 5, 2023 года.

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The authors present the results of geological and geophysical studies aimed at assessment of potential and development of resource base in the area of the Baikitsky anteclise south-eastern slope (Siberian Platform within the Krasnoyarsk Region). These studies were carried out by Gazprom Company in the Taimbinsky promising area (License Area) situated near the Yurubchensky and Kuyumbinsky supergiant oil and gas condensate fields discovered in the Riphean carbonate formations. Geophysical and geochemical studies integrated with exploratory drilling allowed revealing structural and tectonic complexity of the territory, as well as updating geological models of traps. Taimbinsky-2 well for the first time encountered the thick Riphean carbonate formations of good reservoir quality. Hydrocarbon reservoirs with common contact (combination traps) are expected within the promising area. Further prospecting of the south-eastern slope of Baikitsky anteclise using a range of geological and geophysical tools will make it possible to considerably increase the resource base of the Baikitsky Petroleum Area, and contribute to the development of huge resource base and discovery of supergiant (oil) and large (gas) fields in the Riphean terrigenous and carbonate plays


Krasnoyarsk region, siberian platform, baikitsky petroleum area, taimbinsky promising area, traps, resources, reserves, oil, gas, condensate, plays

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IDR: 14131517   |   DOI: 10.47148/0016-7894-2023-5-65-80

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