The prospects for improving the performance of electromechanical executive body of the spacecraft

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Currently, systems of orientation and stabilization of spacecraft are widely used in Electromechanical Executive bodies (EMIO). Electromechanical Executive body has a high accuracy of orientation and does not require the working fluid for its operation. This article describes the modern Electromechanical Executive bodies of systems of orientation of space vehicles of domestic and foreign production and gives their main characteristics. The review revealed that Electromechanical Executive bodies, both domestic and foreign production is made roughly the same pattern, namely, on the basis of the reaction wheels on roller bearings and their technical and resource characteristics are comparable. Nowadays in the space industry there are two distinct trends: the trend of increase in weight and size characteristics of the spacecraft caused by the increase of the target hardware, and the trend of growth of the active lifetime of the spacecraft. The increase in weight and size characteristics of the spacecraft (SC) leads to the fact that there is a need to increase the control torque of the Electromechanical Executive body. Managing time can be increased by increasing the mass or dimensions of the Electromechanical Executive body or by increasing the speed of rotation of the motor flywheel, included in its composition. Based on the specifics of space technology, namely because of the restrictions on its weight and size characteristics, the most appropriate way of raising the control point of emio is to increase the rotation speed of the motor flywheel. Active lifetime (SAS) of the spacecraft can be increased by increasing the period of operation of components and assemblies of the spacecraft, and including Electromechanical Executive body and due to redundancy of the most critical nodes SC. Preferred is the improvement of SAS by increasing the active lifetime of the components of SC. The article gives a brief analysis of the possible causes of failure of existing Electromechanical Executive bodies in the operation by increasing the speed of rotation of the motor flywheel and identifies the most likely cause of failure is the destruction of the ball bearing supports Electromechanical Executive body due to the overload acting on it. The questions of reliability and durability of ball-bearing supports, the problem of determining these characteristics for the bearing have been considered. The possible method of modification of a given support has been studied. The major factors limiting the use of ball bearings in Electromechanical Executive bodies have been determined. Classification of existing supports Electromechanical Executive bodies and means of contactless suspension of the bodies used in modern technology has been given. Comparative analysis of gas and magnetic bearings has been conducted. The advantages and disadvantages of gas bearings have been studied. Magnetic props of various types, their comparative analysis, identified the feasibility of their application with satisfactory dimensional characteristics have been considered. The task to create a passive magnetic support on the basis of highly coercive permanent magnets has been set.


System of orientation, electromechanical executive bodies, the engine-flywheel, gas bearing, magnetic bearing

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IDR: 148177618

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