Dissertation and innovative perspectives of scientific knowledge implementation

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The ways of practical scientific knowledge application in the complex systems science (CS) of organizational and technical (holonic) type are discussed in the article. Consumers of scientific knowledge are the decision makers (DM): they are managers, experts and other specialists in business management. The purpose of the first method is an information exchange between decision-makers through publications (theses, monographs, articles, essays, research papers). In the article, the fields related to information exchange conventionally are called the dissertation science. The purpose of the second method is technical progress, aimed at innovation in the field of business. Knowledge related to technological progress is called innovative knowledge in this article, and the area of science associated with them is innovative science. Decision-makers in the management of the CS used two kinds of knowledge: verified and axiological. Verified knowledge is the result of research. They are objective, repeatedly tested and widely known. Cost of verified knowledge equals to the price of training DM. Axiological knowledge is subjective and unique, known for a wide range of decision-makers (or even a single person). They have a contractual commercial price that is equal to their cost of risk. Innovations are novelties dramatically improving the work of the CS. Effective innovations related to the axiological knowledge at the stage of successful verification - they are called innovative knowledge. The article describes the features of the use of verified and axiological knowledge in dissertation and innovative science. Criticism of modern quackery, which plays an important role in both cases, is presented in the article.


Complex systems science, axiological and verified scientific knowledge, innovation, dissertations, charlatanism

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140191742

IDR: 140191742

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