Prospects for legislation reform in the field of combating extremism

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The presented article substantiates the relevance of the chosen topic for research. Firstly, extremism can lead to destabilising consequences for society, which pose a threat to the national security of the state. The danger of this negative phenomenon is also conditioned by the possibility of causing social discord, destruction of generally accepted values, often leading to violence. Secondly, in the course of the study revealed the shortcomings of the terminology of "extremism" and "extremist activity" due to the use of these concepts as synonyms. At the present stage there is uncertainty in the criminal-legal science regarding a single concept of forms and types of extremism. Thirdly, qualitative and effective investigation of extremist offences depends on cooperation between law enforcement agencies, which should be based on a combination of efforts of subjects of criminal procedure and operational and investigative activities. Fourth, active awareness-raising and propaganda work with the population would minimise the commission of extremist crimes due to the large number of different nationalities living in the country.


Extremist crimes, fight against extremism, countering extremism, extremist activities, extremism, extremist motives, extremist organization

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IDR: 143182354   |   DOI: 10.55001/2587-9820.2024.25.57.001

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