First international conference on religion, culture and technology

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The capital of the Islamic Republic of Iran - the city of Tehran and the Holy City of Qom from April 24 to 28, 2018, became the places of work of the First International scientific conference «Religion, Culture and Technology». Purpose. The conference was attended by researchers from Germany, Switzerland, India, Canada, Russia, Britain, France, Lithuania, Tunisia, Iraq and, of course, Iran. Researchers reported the results of solving the issues of the history of the development of various religions, the relationship of religion and society in different periods in the territories of Asia and Europe, the doctrine of the image of God in different faiths and their dependence on the level of technological development of societies, their worldview, cyberspace and sacred worlds in modern times, the anthropology of humanity, the nature of the influence of modern Shiite Islam on the development of technology in Iran, etc. The actual meaning of holding a conference of this kind in the understanding the organizers (including many clergymen) consisted, apparently, in finding concrete facts and justifications for identifying, highlighting and emphasizing the harmony of the relationship between religion and culture, ancient and modern technologies, with an emphasis on examples of the current state of Iranian society and Islam. Results. The organizing committee for the conference recommended that in detailing the history of the issue in the preparation of reports on some aspects of religious issues only. Therefore, one of the authors of this publication gave a presentation concerning the development of the archaeological data of medical technologies used by priests and healers at the Iranian population of Ob’ region in Siberia the early Iron Age. Another of the authors presented a report on Iranian mythology influences on the religious beliefs of the ancient Turks as an example of honoring the goddesses of fertility Dzerassa the Iranian population and Umai among the Turks, as well as the advanced features of the Middle Ages manufacturing techniques with precious materials of different items with images of goddesses. Within the framework of the conference excursions were organized to various museums. In particular, in Tehran, we studied the exposure of Iran National Museum (including a section of the Islamic period in the history of the country), as well as medieval archaeological materials from the territory of Iran and Central Asia, presented in the framework of a visiting exhibition in Tehran Louvre Museum (France), held in the same days. As a result of the conference in the city of Qom held a «roundtable», at which the participants of the conference exchanged views on the substance of the issues raised and the possibilities of their objective resolution. In the special digest the organizing committee of the conference published the theses of the report in English and Farsi. A full edition of her works is planned. Conclusion. The results obtained will be used at the Novosibirsk State University in the field of education as part of the reading of the basic training course «Field Archaeology», as well as in scientific work using the materials of the funds of the mentioned museums in the study of such topics as medieval toreutics of Siberia and Central Asia, Zoroastrianism in Siberia, Sassanian influences on the culture of ancient Turks, and so on.


Iran, religion, culture, technology, scientific conference 2018

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ID: 147220380
