First cultivators in the in the coast of the Peter the Great Bay

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The article are coincide one of the «turning-points» in cultural evolution of population of Primorye during transition from Atlantic to Subboreal periods of Holocene, when early cultivators migrated from inland to seacoast of the Peter The Great bay. The reason of migration was degradation of agro-climatic conditions over continental area and its stabilization in sea coastal area. In the article there are present the reconstruction of the subsistence system of early cultivators on the seacoast and identification of universal features of maritime adaptation of the coastal population. Also there are identified some features of cultivation in bed on Zaisanovka 7 site around 4500 BP. As result the reconstruction of model of cultural adaptation of early cultivators on seacoast are suggested.


East asia, neolithic, cultural adaptation, russian primorye, early cultivators, maritime adaptation, cultivation in bed

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IDR: 14737070

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