Soil-botanical excursions on the north-east and east parts of Samara region: the perspectives for development of Red soil data book of region

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The questions of development of the ecological web for protected territories of the regional scale on the territory of North-East and East parts of Samara region discussed. The rare, unequal and indigenous soils described. It is shown that rare soils the soils which are rare for Russian Federation are situated on the Permian plateau of the Zavolgye upland, The Umbric Luvisols (Dark-Gray forest soils) with the reddish-colored profile are unequal and indigenous. Etalon soils were described for small rivers of Samara region, On the base of data obtained the regional juridical document on the soils conservation and protection was added and developed, namely it is Cadastre for soils preservation for Samara Region.


Soils, red book, samara region

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148205462

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