Soils and soil cover of the territory private company Novorozhdestvenskoye of the Isilkulsky area of the Omsk region

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The zonal and intrazonal soil form the basis of soil management are a reflection of soil fertility. To solve the problems of rational use of soil is necessary to study their basic properties. From this perspective, it is important the correct preparation of cartographic material of various sizes required for the study evaluation, taking into account soil resources and the spatial organization of agricultural organizations. Without an inventory of the soil cover in the form of a variety of maps can not be rational distribution of agricultural, forestry and other sectors of the economy. All this is due to the use of the land fund, delineation and planning of rational use of the soil cover of the study area. Indexing, the full name of the classification of soils allows us to give a brief picture of the basic soil on the farm. The main part of the chernozem-meadow and meadow soils have a high content of humus and are subject to excessive accumulation of moisture in comparison with the black soil. Leading the process formation soil is humus-accumulative, it promotes the formation of a powerful humus layer and availability of mineral nutrients. A significant proportion of the soil cover of the economy occupied by salt licks with humus layer from 5 to more than 18 cm and humus content of 6 to 7% what determines their rational use. An important indicator of soil productivity is to establish, bonitirovochnoy scale. Humus-accumulative process is leading to the formation of fertile soils, it facilitates the formation of a powerful humus layer and availability of mineral nutrients. This figure is made up of scores of soil evaluation, power humus layer of humus content and physical clay content with the amount of particles less than 0,01%. Qualitative rate varies from the lowest score - maximum 39 to - 78. Obsolete data on soils should be adjusted over time, as they are susceptible to anthropogenic influences of human and transformed into less fertile soil.


Soil cover, indexation, group, soils, properties, improvement, use

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IDR: 142199299

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